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Blog: Switch2Mac

A computer that's a real pleasure to use

24 Sep 04 by DL Byron

I can't recall a time when I've read more positive press about Apple. The thin new iMac is gathering it's well-deserved share of glowing reviews, but more importantly are the articles about switching to Macs for security. I chatted with a Windows developer earlier this week who removed all personal data from his Windows machine and does all of his computing on a PowerBook. He still uses his PC, but connects to it via Remote Desktop Connection (RDC). I do exactly the same thing. I've worked on both platforms for years and switched full time to my PowerBook last year. For testing, I use Virtual PC and RDC for work and both work very well.

As Walt Mossberg states, "It's a computer that's a real pleasure, not a hassle, to use." Moreover, Kevin Maney of USA Today quotes Daryl Forrest, a developer of software for Windows. "I have moved all non-work-related computing to a new Apple Power Mac G5," he writes. "I like Windows XP, but the risks are too high these days. It's sad that it has gotten to this."


Check these articles for more on Mac.

Giving props were due, Microsoft is working very hard at fixing windows, XP SP2 is a good update, and Longhorn is on the horizon, but until then, there's no reason not to use a better and safer operating system. The family's new iMac will arrive in a few weeks.

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