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Blog: Switch2Mac

Molly's Mac

16 Feb 05 by DL Byron

Any day now Molly’s new mac should arrive. She told me last week that she’d finally ordered a new PowerBook. A few weeks earlier, I’d watched her switch decision, or “epiphany,” go down. We were sitting next to each other at the Blog Business Summit and she absolutely could not get her PC to connect to the WiFi network. She spent most of the morning cursing, turning it off and on, editing the registery, card in and out, etc., and said, “damn it, I should just get a mac.” Of course, I said, “yes you should!”

Like my other friends that have switched, I don’t think she cared too much about the operating system or loyalty to one platform or the other. Citing her iPod, she just wanted a well-engineered product that works. I hope she reports on her progress with the new PowerBook. We’ll see each other again at SXSW and then Web Design World.

Mac buying tips:

  • Apple offers educational discounts
  • Amazon runs various specials and rebates on Apple's products
  • Your mac will ship with everything you need for the basics. Watch for another posts on developer applications.

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