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Textura Design Blog

Portfolios and Site Traffic

posted by DL Byron on June 03, 2004

I responded to a mailing list post about online portfolios this week and wrote:

“I’ve been recruited for jobs as a result of my blog. MS has a recruiter blog and I’d expect that they read a recruit’s blog to get to know a candidate. So, when you put that portfolio together, be sure to consider blogging about yourself and what you do. Think of it as a conversation with your market and that market is your clients or a hiring manager”

Previously, a colleague of mine asked how to drive traffic to his site and I said pretty much the same thing and sent him a link to the How and Why of blogging. To see a proficient blogger at work, visit DKR’s Asterisk. And click through the hundreds of Seattle Blogs.

Syndicate Yourself

If you’re an author or journalist, the same statement applies, with the addition of a link to RSS and a link to a google search on blog journalism. Part of the reason Asterisk is so successful is because DKR writes well and posts a lot. His posts get picked up by other bloggers and online magazines via RSS. He even syndicates the comments on his posts, which extend into lengthy conversations. For another example, see Zeldman who turned his site into successful books.

Sure this is redudandt to those already down with blogging, but to many blogging is new and they have many questions.

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Jun 04  |  robroy said:

I think that I am that colleague Byron is talking about. Although I have yet to do anything to restructure my site with RSS I am now more acutely aware of its benefits. Not being a web designer day in and day out makes it very hard to stay on top of all the current advancements in the language. I find the plethora of information out there to be very helpful.

I think that like Byron I am cautious of how business or personal I should be in my log. For instance this coming Tuesday when I have an open studio should I take pictures and post them? It does allow people who can’t be there to see the space with people in it - but it can also come off as some low end movie opening.

Jun 07  |  -b- said:

I’d say for your personal site, post the photos, and ask the people that visited to comment on them. If you got a cell phone, moblog the event live.

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