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Eric Rice Posted a Photo

posted by DL Byron on February 15, 2005

GeorgeAnd he said so 15 times. I just noticed that in my RSS reader. Nick had complained about link and photo RSS feeds earlier in the week with his post, Show me the content! I like Eric, he’s a rockstar pimp, I'm sure his friend George pictured in that photo is cool, and I set all of Eric's links to rel=”follow”, but I don’t really need to know that he’s posted 15 photos a day. I hadn’t yet ripped on del.ici.ous, but there’s another example of a time suck. Social bookmarking and photo sharing ceases to be fun, when it sucks up bandwidth and is post after post of, “cool link,” or “me with this other blogger.”

If you want to post away on that, cool with me, I'm just not sure there's value in that for an RSS feed. At least, give your subscribers a choice and that's got to be the next feature blogs need to offer: Custom RSS feeds (see Apple's example). Pick and choose from what you want on the site. Like for Scoble, I can filter out all of the nonstop Tablet PC plug posts, or not get Eric's Daily photo, or read just what Zeldman thinks is cool for the day and not ALA posts, etc.

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Feb 15  |  Eric Rice said:

One side note, bro… I just added my flickr feed, so the initial dump was like adding a new RSS feed to your reader. I usually post three photos a week on average, unless there’s something going on…

Also, flickr will give you more of a description that ‘So-and-so posted a photo’, I’m just the laziest person in the world adding a description to them. My bad, there.

Feb 15  |  -b- said:

Ok. That makes more sense. I was like, what the?

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