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Too much sexy on Vox

posted by DL Byron on July 06, 2006

I do dig Vox, it’s cool for social blogging and posting more random topics, but the UI is quickly approaching “whackness” and in danger of suffering from all the whizzy-whiz bangy that plagues Web 2.0. “Form, function, less is more,” even “getting real” all sums up my complaints when there’s so much to do on that cluttered UI. I can explore, compose, edit, join, invite, organize, design and well, geezus, I just want to post about Matt being Mac Book Man.

When I’m in that Vox interface, I imagine it was designed from a meeting room whiteboard that has a bunch of feature stickies plastered all over it and the meetings were like, “we could do this and this and that and wow this.” I’m sure there are thoughtful hard working designers toiling away on Vox and maybe their hopes for minimalism were sucked into the vortex of marketing and VC deliverables. Not sure, but I do hope in later revs to see way less on that screen.

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