Fly-out Menus, Really?
posted by DL Byron on May 30, 2008
Count how many times the user has to fly-out that menu. It’s a lot. I did it 11 times to browse for bikes. Web 2.0 and Social Media have drastically changed consumers and users expectations. They want the data they want way faster than 11 fly-outs. In this case, a “browse all” function would’ve got me to what I wanted or at the least a very robust search.
REI’s new site, while visually appealing, has just a bizarre search. It’s totally random. You can find something once, then try again, and not. I bet they track abandonment rates for people that couldn’t find what they wanted and it’s higher than anyone wants to report.
More on what a Web 2.0 audience wants during BizJam Seattle and at Web Design World Seattle.
from the dreeping set on Flickr.
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