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Textura Design Blog

Intel China Blogs

posted by DL Byron on August 04, 2008

Textura Design has been to China 3 times and with the Olympics approaching, I wanted to share our previous posts and some thoughts.


That photo is of Intel China. Our first trip to Beijing was for the Intel Developer Forum and to help launch the Intel China blog. During the launch, we observed

… the blogs themselves have only minimal layers of approval to go through between inception and launch and Intel’s bloggers are left free to post, apart from some pretty standard corporate legal rules they must follow. This freedom leads where you would expect: the up-and-coming Intel bloggers we talk to are personally, genuinely excited to have this outlet for their thoughts and Blogs@Intel is generating candid, interesting content as a consequence.

The Intel China Blog contines to thrive. During the visit, I commented to our hosts that I couldn’t believe Beijing would be ready for the Olympics, one of them said, “never underestimate the will of the Chinese people.” I don’t now.


For another perpesctive of our travels in China, see Rush Hour in Beijing.

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